Kids have faith too! Our ministry for children offers a wide range of programs, including Sunday School, fellowship opportunities, and summer camps and programs.
Kids in Worship
Children are welcome at our worship services! We provide activity bags, children's bulletins and Bibles. Each week, children may come forward and actively participate in kid talks and a special children's offering. Kids also regularly help lead in worship through music, dance, and reading scripture.
Childcare is also available for children and is another way our kids can experience the love of God at FPC.
First Steps Sunday School
This first step into Sunday School offers a creative curriculum with age-appropriate but powerful lessons.
Sunday Mornings | 10:30-11:30 AM
Two-years old - Kindergarten
Creator's Kids Sunday School
Children learn about Bible stories and concepts through activities, multimedia workshops, and hands-on learning experiences.
Sunday Mornings | 10:30-11:30 AM
1st - 5th grade
Service Learning Project
Kids in 1st-5th grade work together to plan their own service/mission project. This program equips kids with skills to do mission work NOW and in the future!
Wednesday Nights | 6:30-7:30 PM
January 15-March 12
Kingdom Kids
The Kingdom Kids program is designed as a first learning experience for one and two-year-olds. Children explore God's world and practice social and learning skills through stories, gym time, singing, and projects. Kingdom Kids is a parent co-op, where parents take turns assisting the teacher.
VBS 2025
July 14-18, 9 am-noon
Ages three-years-old through completed 5th grade
Music Camp
June 2-6
Performance on Friday, June 6 at 7 pm.
For kids who have completed 3rd grade through completed 8th grade.
Liturgical Dance
We hope to offer Liturgical Dance Camp this summer and are working to secure a choreographer.